What’s Your Secret?: Tips for Extending Your Car’s Life

You may wonder why some car owners are able to keep old jalopies running for decades, while others purchase a brand new, shiny model that ends up in the repair shop or on the back of a wrecker seemingly before the sticker’s even had time to come off the back window. What are the first set of folks doing differently?

There’s no one secret to keeping a vehicle going for a long time. However, the most important thing you can do for your car is to establish a regular maintenance schedule. A good vehicle maintenance plan can help you spot problems either before they happen or before they get too serious. Also, it’s a good idea to keep your car clean inside and out; protecting your car’s interior surfaces and exterior finishes, as well as regular washing, can keep the car looking good and functioning well even in the hot Texas sun.

Here are a few more of our top tips for extending your car’s lifespan:

  • Read the book. Your car’s owner’s manual is a treasure trove of information about your car’s inner workings, as well as about its recommended maintenance schedule. If you purchased a used car without its manual, try searching online; chances are someone’s got it posted.

  • Grease is the word. Your car’s moving parts need lubrication to work effectively. Keep your engine well lubricated with regular oil changes, and don’t forget to schedule differential service too.

  • Lighten up. Do you have 15 different keys hanging off your ignition switch while you drive? All that weight can cause the tumblers inside your ignition switch to fail. You may want to consider keeping your ignition key on a separate keychain that can detach from the main one.

  • Keep it cool. Be sure to completely flush and fill your cooling system at least once a year to eliminate dirt and deposits. A 50-50 mix of distilled water and antifreeze will help keep your car cool and lessen the possibility of corrosion forming in the system.

  • Be ready to stop. Over time, moisture can build up in your brake fluid and cause brake failure. Bleed your brakes and replace your brake fluid once a year.

These simple tips are a good starting place for keeping your car running great for years to come. We can help! We can perform many routine maintenance services, as well as our specialty car washes and detailing that’ll keep your car looking terrific for its entire life.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels


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